2. Packaging function of data structures

The function smpp34_pack( ... ) takes five parameters and returns an integer value that describes the operation result. A value distinct of 0 (zero) is represetative of an error in the packaging attempt. Then there is a description in text mode in the global variable smpp34_strerror.

extern int smpp34_errno;
extern char smpp34_strerror[2048];

int smpp34_pack( uint32_t type,    /* in  */
                 uint8_t *ptrBuf,  /* out */
                 int      ptrSize, /* out */
                 int     *ptrLen,  /* out */
                 void    *tt       /* in  */  )

type: is the PDU command_id that we want to pack, the parameter value is related to a specific data structure.

ptrBuf: is a buffer reference, where we will store the PDU packaged. The memory must be reserved externally, it would be dynamic or static memory, but the function is not responsible for free any dynamic memory passed as a parameter.

ptrSize: This parameter is a integer that describes the buffer lenght where we will store de PDU packaged (the previus parameter).

ptrLen: In a success case, this variable keep the data lenght in the buffer. Obviously always ptrLen < ptrSize.

tt: It's a reference to any data structure listed in the introduction, and corresponds to the value of the first parameter.

2.1. An example

We'll see a small example to use this function, the creation of data object, the load of information in data structure and the pack in a buffer are detailed in this example.

Example 1. Pack and dumpBuff example.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include "smpp34.h"
#include "smpp34_structs.h"
#include "smpp34_params.h"

char bufPDU[2048];
int  bufPDULen = 0;
char bPrint[2048];

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )

    int  ret = 0;
    bind_transmitter_t pdu;

    /* Init PDU */
    memset(&pdu, 0, sizeof(bind_transmitter_t));
    pdu.command_length   = 0;
    pdu.command_id       = BIND_TRANSMITTER; /* defined in smpp34.h */
    pdu.command_status   = ESME_ROK; /* defined in smpp34.h */
    pdu.sequence_number  = 1;
    snprintf(pdu.system_id, sizeof(pdu.system_id), "%s", "user");
    snprintf(pdu.password, sizeof(pdu.password), "%s", "pass");
    snprintf(pdu.system_type, sizeof(pdu.system_type), "%s", "type");
    pdu.interface_version = SMPP_VERSION;
    pdu.addr_ton          = 2;
    pdu.addr_npi          = 1;
    snprintf(pdu.address_range, sizeof(pdu.address_range), "%s", "123");

    /* Linealize PDU to buffer */
    memset(&bufPDU, 0, sizeof(bufPDU));
    ret = smpp34_pack( pdu.command_id,
            bufPDU, sizeof(bufPDU), &bufPDULen, (void*)&pdu);
    if( ret != 0 ){
        printf("Error in smpp34_pack():%d:\n%s\n",
                smpp34_errno, smpp34_strerror);
        return( -1 );

    /* Print Buffer */
    memset(bPrint, 0, sizeof(bPrint));
    ret = smpp34_dumpBuf(bPrint, sizeof(bPrint), bufPDU, bufPDULen);
    if( ret != 0 ){
        printf("Error in smpp34_dumpBuf():%d:\n%s\n",
                smpp34_errno, smpp34_strerror );
        return( -1 );

    printf("The PDU bind_transmitter is packet in\n%s", bPrint);
    return( 0 );
At the last, this same example is refered by smpp34_dumpBuf( ... ). This example is compiled by:
[rtremsal@localhost dist]$ gcc -o lo lo.c -I./include -static -L./lib -lsmpp34
[rtremsal@localhost dist]$ ./lo 
The PDU bind_transmitter is packet in
   00 00 00 26 00 00 00 02   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01   ...&.... ........
   75 73 65 72 00 70 61 73   73 00 74 79 70 65 00 34   user.pas s.type.4
   02 01 31 32 33 00                                   ..123.